How Long Does a Conch Piercing Take To Heal?

How long does a conch piercing take to heal?

A conch piercing is a piercing in the central area of the ear, and it can be located on either the inside or outside of the ear.

Typically, an inner conch piercing features a stud, and an outer conch piercing features a hoop around the cartilage.

In all cases, conch piercings are known as a type of cartilage piercing, and they require just as much care and time to heal as a typical cartilage piercing does.

How Long Does a Conch Piercing Take To Heal?

Typically, you can expect a conch piercing to take 6 to 9 months to fully heal, and it may take longer if the piercing becomes infected.

Since conch piercings are done to the cartilage of the ear, and cartilage tends to have less blood flow than other types of tissue, conch piercings take longer to heal than ear lobe piercings do.

While the anatomy of your ear will have the most effect on how long your piercing takes to heal, there are some things you can do to speed up the healing process, such as proper cleaning.

Conch Piercing Healing Process

Stage One

During the healing process of a conch piercing, you can expect some light bleeding, slight swelling, and light discoloration of the piercing site, especially in the hours and days initially after piercing.

Right after piercing your cartilage, you can expect some mild pain, too, as well as skin that feels hot to the touch around the piercing.

Stage Two

Starting about a week after your initial conch piercing, you may experience some itching around your piercing, and this is a sign of healing. You may also have some white discharge at the piercing site, and this is also normal.

During this time, it is important to not scratch your piercing as this can disrupt the healing process and possibly cause an infection.

Stage Three

After about two weeks to a month after getting your piercing, you may notice that your piercing may seem or feel completely healed. However, cartilage heals from the outside to the inside, so this does not mean that it is already healed.

From this time to at least 6 months, you may not notice any visible changes to your piercing site, but you should know that it is still healing just beneath the surface.

Healing Signs

How to tell if your conch piercing is healing? When your conch piercing is healing, you’ll likely experience the following:

  • No swelling
  • No bleeding
  • No redness
  • No discharge
  • No soreness or pain
  • Jewelry moves comfortably and freely
  • No crusting
  • No bumps

Healing Conch Piercing Pain

After initially getting your conch piercing, you may continue to experience some moderate pain since the area will likely swell.

However, this pain will typically subside within a day or two, and you will likely not feel any more pain, aside from itching, unless your piercing becomes infected.

Because a conch piercing involves piercing cartilage, it tends to be more painful than an earlobe piercing. This is because cartilage is thicker and harder than lobe tissue, and this makes it more difficult to physically pierce.

Conch Piercing Problems and How to Fix Them

1. Conch Piercing Bumps

It is common for small bumps to appear around a conch piercing in the days after getting the piercing, and this is usually due to swelling. While these bumps may go away on their own, you can help them disappear faster by reducing the swelling around the piercing.

You can do this by applying a cold or ice pack to your ear for up to 20 minutes at a time.

2. Rashes and Excessive Itchiness

If you experience a rash around your piercing site, you may be allergic to the metal in your piercing. Other symptoms of an allergy include excessive itchiness, tender skin, and a piercing hole that seems larger than your piercing jewelry.

While this issue is easy to fix, there is only one way to do it, and that is by switching to hypoallergenic jewelry like implant-grade titanium and 14K gold.

3. Piercing Site Pustules

Pustules are pus-filled bumps, and they closely resemble pimples. These can form on a piercing anywhere on the body, typically within a few weeks to months of healing.

They usually go away on their own, too, but they may be treated with over-the-counter creams and soaps that absorb the excess oil on the skin around the piercing for faster healing.

Conch Piercing Healing Tips

1. Use Implant-Grade Titanium Jewelry

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Piercing stud implant-grade titanium with cubic zirconia 16G $18.9, SHOP NOW.

Implant-grade titanium is titanium that has been certified for medical use, and it is the best choice for body piercings when you want to avoid infections and promote fast healing. This type of metal is hypoallergenic, lightweight, nickel-free, and won’t tarnish.

2. Clean the Piercing Regularly

Regular cleaning of any new piercing is crucial to avoid infections. When you wash your conch piercing, make sure that you use either a saltwater solution or an antibacterial soap solution.

You can clean your piercing easily by dipping a cotton swap in your cleaning solution and thoroughly, but gently, wiping your piercing.

For at least six months after getting your piercing, repeat washing at least twice a day.

3. Wait to Go Swimming

While your piercing is still healing, you should not swim in any pools, hot tubs, or other bodies of water. This will keep unwanted bacteria out of your piercing and keep it clean.

While conch piercings take quite some time to heal, they are beautiful ear piercings that won’t get infected if you clean them regularly and remain patient while you wait for them to heal.

4. Protect Your Piercing

Take measures to properly protect your conch piercing. Best practices include:

  • Wash it twice daily with the recommended salt water rinse.
  • Avoid touching or playing with the jewelry as it can introduce new bacteria.
  • Avoid sleeping on that side as the piercing heals.
  • Avoid changing the jewelry until it’s fully healed.
  • Follow your piercer’s instructions and reach out to them with any questions.

Don’t ignore signs that your piercing is infected. When in doubt, contact your piercer for further direction. If left untreated, it can lead to more serious complications and you may have to remove your jewelry and allow the piercing to close.

Final Thoughts

If you’re considering a conch piercing, there are many different advantages to consider. However, you should also weight the risks.

If you’re dedicated to performing the appropriate aftercare, you could have a healthy piercing that you can enjoy for years to come.

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