8 Simple Ways to Beautify a Boardroom
Boardrooms are often one of the most boring parts of an office, despite the fact that they are where employees and team members should be most engaged. One of the best ways to make people look forward to meetings is to beautify your boardroom.
Luckily, you can make some simple changes that will have a huge effect on your productivity levels and your office’s visual appeal. If you are looking for the best office items, check The Works discount vouchers at Latest Deals.
1. Add Sleek Screens for Telecommunication
Effective means of telecommunication are a must-have when people still work from home or might be off-site some days. Around 27% of full-time employees work from home every day of the week, making them a significant number you should account for during your board meetings. Adding sleek screens in the boardroom allows anyone to present from anywhere. Everyone in the room can see them without turning their chairs around or twisting their necks.
These screens could also work for a screening of any news story or advertising campaign you plan to run. Keeping your team members comfortable is a great way to keep them engaged and help them offer their best suggestions and solutions. Make sure the screens have a large enough display to accommodate subtitles if needed.
2. Improve the Acoustics
Meetings in a boardroom are typically important and could influence the future of your company. These private conversations require the best possible acoustics. Lean into sound absorption through acoustic panels, ensuring your talks stay private. Install acoustic panels in the company’s colors or even add your logo or artwork to them.
3. Invest in an Interactive Whiteboard
One of the best ways to ensure everyone is involved in a meeting or presentation is to retain interactive elements. The interactive whiteboard market is slated to have a compound annual growth rate of 8% in the next seven years, making it a worthwhile investment for your office. When you get an interactive whiteboard before they explode in popularity, you’ll also get it for a better price.
With interactive whiteboards, you can cast things onto the screen and operate them without being next to a computer, which can make meetings run more smoothly. They also have a sleek look, which can increase the visual appeal of your boardroom. Your whiteboard may be able to accommodate different learning styles, which can help people who aren’t necessarily auditory learners.
4. Make Seating Comfortable
Comfortable seating is a must-have in every meeting or else some employees will only think about how uncomfortable they are in their chairs. Ergonomic chairs help support your employees’ spines and encourage better posture while watching a presenter or looking at their computer screens.
You may not want to go too casual with your seating, as something too comfortable might lull employees into a post-lunch nap. Seating like bean bags has no place in a boardroom — unless your workplace is uber-casual and has them all over the office. It all depends on the aesthetic you’re going for and if you’d rather dress your office up or down.
5. Keep Fresh Flowers Around
One way to brighten your employees’ day is to ensure there are always fresh flowers in the boardroom. Giving your team members something to look at can improve their mood. If you have it within your budget, you can arrange for flowers to be delivered on the same day you have a meeting. That way, the flowers are at their freshest, and your employees can appreciate their beauty.
If you want to avoid investing in brand-new flowers every so often, you can consider bringing green plants into the boardroom. Simply being around nature can relieve some of the stress people feel and improve the air quality around you. Altogether, it makes for a more welcoming office environment. Less stress is always best when making crucial decisions, which is why you need to incorporate plants of some kind into your boardroom space.
6. Improve Your Airflow
The flow of air in an office can make or break an important meeting. If your ventilation system is too loud, you risk having to repeat yourself during an important meeting where every minute counts. Proper airflow also means better-regulated temperatures, which leads to people focusing more on the content of the meeting rather than worrying about ways to cool down or warm up.
Adding new vents might be a way to give your boardroom a sleeker look while also improving the air quality. If you have the space, consider adding an air purifier, fan or heater, depending on your office’s needs. You want your employees to be comfortable during a meeting so they can focus on your words, and regulating the air and temperature is one of the best ways to maintain their attention.
7. Use Natural Light
Your boardroom should be optimized around natural light. It’s the best option for people who want to buckle down and concentrate, and it isn’t as overwhelming as overhead lighting. People who get enough natural light will also have better moods, which could work well for an important meeting.
People function their best when you utilize natural light as much as possible. If you have an open wall, you can add a mirror to bounce some of the light around and make the room appear larger.
8. Make Sure Your Table Fits
One of the most awkward things you can encounter in a boardroom is a table that isn’t sized correctly for the room. When you walk into the meeting room, you should notice that the table fits perfectly. If the table is too large, the accessibility of the room drops, as some people may have trouble getting around it. A table that’s too small won’t have enough room for people to take vital notes on the content of the meeting.
You can add to the elegance of your boardroom by bringing in a table that fits perfectly, both in size and aesthetic. Save a portion of your boardroom budget specifically for the table. You want a high-quality one that will last you years, not just one you’ll need to replace in a few months.
Cultivate a Beautiful Boardroom
Beauty isn’t everything, but having an aesthetically pleasing boardroom can benefit you more than you know. Several natural features, like bigger windows to accommodate natural lighting and fresh flowers to boost employees’ moods, can help your team make the best decisions possible while in serious meetings.
Consider bolstering your boardroom to fit the kind of company you are. These simple changes can make a huge difference, not only in the visual quality of your boardroom but in the value of the conversations you have within it.