Gemstones by color: A complete list is all that you have ever needed
Camille is the jewelry and lifestyle editor of the Joué.…
A mineral needs to meet three requirements to be regarded as a gemstone: beauty, durability and scarcity, all of which are indispensable. Beauty mainly refers to the color and luster; durability refers to hardness and corrosion resistance and melting resistance; scarcity means limited natural reserves.
It makes sense to categorise such a large variety of gemstones by color, such as red, blue, yellow, and white. In this article we are going to introduce to you the most precious gemstones in the world, as well as their characteristics, origins, values, meanings and iconic jewelry works.
Black gemstones
In recent years, a trend of the retro style is represented by the sad and sentimental jewelry style prevailing in the Victorian era; therefore Black gemstones have become a new favorite in the jewelry industry.
Back then Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, due to her widowed husband Albert, wore only black jewellery as an act to show her sorrow. As a consequence, black gems played a major role in the jewelry market in that period.
Today, black jewelry has evolved thanks to a variety of new materials and designs, such as black pearls and other precious black stones and more importantly, it is no longer sentimental and depressing but represents nobleness, mystery, darkness, solemnity and elegance.
Black gemstones: Carbonado commonly known as black diamond, Obsidian, Onyx black, Pearl black, Sapphire black, Schorl known as Black Tourmaline, Spinel black.
Blue gemstones
Although the precious sapphire has already become one of the most admired precious stones in the world, various other blue gemstones are still being mined and favored by the world, as if every blue-colored substance in nature has a special meaning.
Thousands of blue gems have been discovered so far, and below are the ones that are the most beautiful and precious.
Green gemstones
Gemstones are classified into species and varieties, with some being more valuable than others.
And green gemstones have been a very popular choice as of late. It presents some of the most choices when it comes to types of gems and ranges in color from blue-green to yellow-green, which is due to traces of chromium, vanadium, and iron in the mineral makeup of the gemstones.
Outlined below are 10 of the most popular and precious green gemstones, as well as their physical characteristics that make them so special and desired.
Orange gemstones
Of all the colors that gemstones and crystals come in, orange is one of the rarest kinds. Due to this fact, orange gemstones may be more valuable and pricier than other colors.
An orange stone is often associated with the solar plexus chakra and symbolizes persistence. Here is a list of beautiful orange gems.
Pink gemstones
Pink gemstones have always been synonymous with fantasy and romance. Pink is almost an irresistible color for a lot of people. In recent days, the temperature has risen and spring is getting closer, pink is gaining popularity again while major jewelry and cosmetics brands have launched pinky products.
Christian Dior once said:” Pink is the gentlest of colors, that of happiness and femininity. Every woman should have something pink in her wardrobe.” In fact, we need pink not only in the wardrobe, but also in the jewelry box. So let’s take a look at the pink gems in the jewelry market.
Purple gemstones
Purple is a color that symbolizes nobility, as well as melancholy, mystery and charm, representing prestige, wisdom and elegance, a color that we can’t bear to forget.
This is a definite guide to purple gemstones for crazy gem fans. In this article we will talk about the color purple itself and the most precious purple gemstones we can find in nature, their characteristics, meanings and how they inspire us the wearer as well as the jewelry designer for creativity.
Red gemstones
For centuries, people have always loved red gemstones as red represents love, passion and joy. In fact purely red gemstones are very rare in nature and precious. One of the most famous red gemstones include the pigeon blood red ruby produced in Myanmar.
The best condition of a red gem is of pure color, good clarity and high saturation. In addition to these factors, the hue is also important. In red gems, the most common hue is red with purple or orange.
It is generally believed that pure red or red with a little purple makes the top quality of red gemstones. As the hue deviates from the ideal state, the value decreases. Of course this does not mean that purple or orange is not beautiful in themselves. In fact, few gems can approach a ideally pure red color.
White gemstones
In this article we are going to introduce to you the most precious white gemstones in the world, as well as their characteristics, origins, values, meanings and iconic jewelry works.
Yellow gemstones
Yellow gemstones are particularly popular with those with great imagination and an optimistic mindset. There are a large number of gemstones in this color that vary a lot in terms of the chemical composition, texture and hue.
Highly popular players such as yellow diamonds and yellow sapphires are playing an important role at auctions or in the high-end jewelry industry.
Conclusion on gemstones by color
Thank you for reading this article about gemstones by color, I hope it helps you get the information needed. Feel to share your thoughts below or check other articles on birthstones by month that we have published.